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The most successful part of our Values of Science project was the medium in which we were able to display the content of our project. After the workshop day in-class, we got a lot of feedback on how we can make our website more user-friendly and appealing. We took this feedback and made our website more user-friendly by switching over to a website that we could customize rather than are previous website that was a set theme that could not be customized further without paying. Personally, I really enjoyed taking the feedback and redesigning the website because I could really see how much more effective our project was with something as simple as a previous and next button. From revising our project after the feedback we got, I learned that it is very important to revise and review your writing both by yourself and your peers. Initially, we thought that the best part of our project was our ideas and the way we conveyed it through our writing. After the workshop, we realized that our ideas were good; however, the writing that tried to convey these ideas could be improved and be more straightforward. We took this advice and revised our writing to take out the summaries of our texts and to add in more analysis. Since we had the opportunity for the entire class to revise and review our project, I feel as though that we were able to change everything in our project that I had wanted to. I am really glad we were able to make our website not only more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly while also making the actual writing of our project more straightforward and to the point.

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