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Guilt and Pathos

          Of course no parent would allow their child to smoke; however, could the same be said about meat? A typical meal for a kid is some form of microwaved chicken. It is a staple of any child's diet because they are normally willing to eat it and it ensures they get protein and other nutrients that are vital to their growth. How can meat be even comparable to smoking when looked at in this manner? 

          Pathos is the viewer’s emotional response to an advertisement. By promoting the use of emotional expression in order to draw feelings from the viewer, pathos is able to deeply move the viewer. You already know that smoking is bad for you, and obviously terrible for a baby. By comparing the message to that common knowledge PETA is able to progress their new argument that eating meat is just as destructive. Therefore, eating meat can be just as bad for you and your family as smoking is. This instills in the viewer a strong emotional response towards meat that parallels the one they have towards a baby smoking. 

         This advertisement utilizes pathos, the viewer's emotional response, in order to create an emotional feeling from its main audience, parents. We already know that smoking is bad for us, and obviously even worse for children. By using this common knowledge and initial shocking picture of the child smoking it is easy for them to motivate both parents and nonparents alike to question the meat in their diet.


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