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      Hi! My name is Caroline Rogers and I am currently a first-year student at Georgia Tech. I'm from a small town in Colorado.  Currently I am on track to major in Biomedical Engineering. As you may have already assumed, like most engineers, I am not gifted when it comes to writing. However, I hope by using this electronic interface to publish my writing, I can overcome my inhibitions. 

     I will be using this website over the course of English 1101 and it will help me to discover different angles of 'Science in Public.' By using the blog interface, I will be able to analyze each reading done over the course as well as adding in a discussion component. By allowing my peers to comment on my blog I will have further understandings of the readings and will have constructive criticism of my writing. I will also be able to utilize this website in order to reflect and continuously update all of my assignments throughout the semester through the ‘Works-in-Progress’ page. The ‘Projects’ tab

will similarly consist of the most polished projects done throughout the semester.

Ideally, this website will help me become more comfortable writing, gain constructive criticism, and reflect on projects and everything I’ve learned throughout the semester. Enjoy my work-in-progress!

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